Let's Get Together - It Will Be Alright

   THE TUFF COALITION serves to “Uphold Fairness & Freedom” by uniting Patriots under one roof, with the power of The Constitution as our legal muscle, to demand POLITICAL and MEDIA representation, so we can restore our nations unity, before our way of life is destroyed. 

The People of The World, Depend Upon Brave Americans to Fight for Our God Given Right to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.


Americans Who Uphold Fairness & Freedom

GOD Gave YOU Unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty & the Persuit of Happines!

As Stated in
The Declaration of

Follow The Trail...

God Bless America

Constitutional Power Below

Americans Must Unite in Peace or We'll Be Defeated By War

The Destruction of Our Nation Is An "Inside Job" - Concealed by The Media


Evidence: This Woman is Arrested After "Bragging" About Organized Voting Crimes

The Globalist Are Creating CHAOS to Quickly Launch

The New World Order

The United Nations + WHO + WEF + NAFTA + CCP

“The People of the World” are rapidly losing their freedom, and way of life due to the Globalist “New World Order Agenda” that is deliberately sabotaging nations through mass immigration, inflation, energy controls and destroying our food supplies. 

See The Evidence

Study the CIA and Communism to Understand Our Downfall

- The Communist Manifesto -

This above 10 POINT LIST reveals a sinister plan,
that aims to destroy the foundation of American Christian values, by using "Sympathy for minorities and the poor" to shame the middle class, who are the backbone of America, as they work hard to pay the taxes that fund the charities, welfare military action and government payroll.

The People Fund the enemies that plan our destruction

Cuba's Regime -
"A Killing Machine"
Predicts America Fate

Freedom Loving Americans Say "NO" To Cruel Communism!
Our Nations Forefathers Worked 10 Years to Write the Constitutional Laws
That Keep Us Free!! We Must Defend This Gift or We Will Lose It!

In 1776 our ancestors risked everything to remove the power of tyranny and rule by the British Empire. 

Today, a more sinister and complicated form of authoritarianism is slowly gripping our lives, through the technology that “Makes our lives easy”, yet has evolved into an “Invasive Pathway” for the “Kleptocrat Kings and Queens ” that run the world’s economies, governments and military, to monitor and control every aspect of our lives.

It is time, for those who value their freedom to gather in person, shoulder to shoulder, and pronounce our Declaration of Independence from the secretive ruling class, that accumulate wealth, off the backs and blood, of our hard working, middle class familes.

The MEDIA has betrayed us, as a “Propaganda Machine” and they must STOP their deceptive ways,     and tell the truth, so Americans can understand the danger we are in, and once again, pronounce a “Declaration of Independence”  


We The People Are Protected by The Constitution & Bill of Rights

When The British Pushed Too Far, America Was Born

We The People - Must Feel Our Outrage
to Protect Our Children's Future

Like Paul Revere, the People of Liberty and Freedom are taking action to warn their neighbors,
about "The United Nations" and The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that are rapidly detroying America from within, by targetting and destroying our systems, traditions and unity.
We Must Speak Out and Stand Up, Before We Are Squashed Into SILENCE and OBEDIENCE